
(Auburn, WA) Alex Cruz was not ready to relinquish his crown and will win an unprecedented 5th straight riding Championship. A half dozen wins is gonna get you to the top of the rankings every time. So let’s get to this week’s top 10!

2024 Power Rankings #18

#1 Alex Cruz (Last week #7)

We said last week right here to watch out for a big week from Cruz to clinch his 5th straight riding Championship and bam! a 6 win week. Cruz has made Auburn his hometown track. He was 6-4-3-2 from 20 mounts winning at a 30% rate, trifecta finish of 65% and 75% in the top 4. No doubt who is #1 this week.

#2 Kevin Krigger (Last week #3)

Kevin Krigger had a very tiny chance of catching Cruz for the riding title but Cruz would not relent and in the meantime all Krigger does is win at a 30% win clip which is what he did again last week with 3 wins from 10 starts.

#3 Luis Reyes (Last week #1)


Luis Reyes continues his run as one of the most consistent riders with another great week scoring 3 wins but adding 4 2nds, 2 3rds and a 4th for a 17% win rate and 59% top 3 finish.

#4 Silvio Amador (Last week #4)

Silvio Amador may be riding his best all season right now recording another 3 wins. He was 3 wins from 8 rides for a week high win percent of 38%. But only had a 4th place finish out of his other 5 otherwise would have likely been #2 this week. Watch out “Batman” is finishing strong!

#5 Jose Zunino (Last week unranked)

The “Carpenter” got back to work last week scoring a pair of wins from 8 rides and finished the week 2-2-1-0 with a 25% win rate. Jose Zunino is always dangerous and many times when you least expect it. Don’t be surprised if he finishes strong over the final 6 days.

#6 Manuel Americano (Last week unranked)

The apprentice has not been fired yet and for good cause. Manuel Americano keeps getting better and better as he learns his craft. He was 2-2-3-1 from 13 starts with a 15% win clip and 62% top 4 finish. Americano has been noticed and is taking advantage of that bug like a good apprentice does.

#7 Carlos Montalvo (Last week #4)

After a hot August Carlos Montalvo has cooled off just a touoch but his cooling off would be a great week for many other riders as he went 1-3-2-1 from 11 rides foir a 64% superfecta finish percent.

#8 Kevin Orozco (Last week #5)

Kevin Orozco keeps firing from the few chances he gets weekly. This week 5 rides and a 1-0-2-1 record for a 20% win rate and 80% top 4. Drops a few but a solid top 10 finish.

#9 Javier Matias (Last week unranked)

The Rooster had a big feature race win and went 1-1-1-2 from just 7 mounts. Javier Matias continues to be a solid veteran and came through with a solid week with the limited chances he gets. Always a threat!

#10 Karlo Lopez (Last week #6)

Karlo Lopez just can’t shake that 2nd-itis bug and had another great week of hitting the board but squeezed just 1 win. He was 1-3-4-4 from 17 rides for just a 6% win rate but balloons up to 71% top 4 finish. 

#10 Juan Gutierrez (Last week #1)

Juan with another solid week. He went 1-1-1-1 from 7 mounts and remains in the top 10.


By paulb

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