
(Auburn, WA) In a week with just 19 thoroughbred races we still had 6 multiple race winners and 2 triple winners along with 10 who had at least 1 victory. The other 3 races were quarterhorse and a thoroughbred/quarterhorse mixed race. Those races do not count toward the regular Emerald Downs jockey, trainer or owner standings so we did not count them in the regular Power Rankings. We did do a top 3 QH rankings at the bottom of this story. Let’s get to this week’s top 10!

2024 Power Rankings #16

#1 Karlo Lopez (Last week #10)
Karlo Lopez has had an extended case of 2nd-itis this whole season which always put him in the mix but kept him from the top of the Power Rankings time and again. Although he still had a handful of 2nd place finishes he went 3-6-0-1 from 15 rides for a 20% win rate and 60% exacta finish and 67% top 4 finish was just enough to get him to the top in our 16th Power Rankings.

#2 Carlos Montalvo (Last week #1)
Carlos Montalvo got edged off the top of the PR’s just barely as he put up another great week winning at 20% with 2 wins from 7 mounts and overall was 2-1-0-1 for a 71% superfecta rate. Montalvo had been on top for 2 straight weeks and gpot shut out on Sunday but will continue to be tough to face when he saddles up.

#3 Juan Gutierrez (Last week #2)
Juan Gutierrez gets knocked down 1 spot as he continues to make the most of his limited chances. Working as his own agent he had 6 rides last week and found the winner’s circle twice while picking up a place and a show for a 33% win clip and 67% in the trifecta. The all-time leading rider at Emerald just keeps on producing!

#4 Silvio Amador (Last week unranked)
Silvio Amador is another whyo takes full advantage of his chances. He’s #2 in Stakes wins and had just 3 mounts this last weekend where he won on 2 rides for a weekly 67% win rate. Amador keeps showing he should be getting more rides maybe someone who wants to win may notice him at some point.

#5 Luis Reyes (Last week #4)
Luis Reyes drops 1 spot but could be anywhere from here to the top. Reyes went 2-3-2-1 from 13 rides for a 15% win rate and 67% top 4. He actually got another win in the thoroughbred/quarterhorse mix race but didn’t count toward the thoroughbreds only stats. However, Reyes will be our 1st jockey ever to appear twice in our rankings as you’ll see below.

#6 Alex Cruz (Last week #4)
Alex Cruz is not winning 5-6-7-8 races in a week like earlier but he keeps adding to his lead ini the jockey standings as he seeks his 5th straight riding title. Cruz was 3-1-5-3 but just 17% win and 67% top 4. He was again the one you have to get through to make a dent in the PR’s. Cruz we believe will finish strong and clinch #5.

#7 Isaias Enriquez (Last week #5)
Isaias Enriquez had just 4 rides and popped on one of them for a 25% win rate and also finished 2nd and 3rd for a 75% top 3 rank for the week. The veteran keeps finding his spots and is tough to beat when he knows he’s got the horse.

#8 Kevin Krigger (Last week #8)
Kevin Krigger has cooled off however, most jockey’s would love to have his production when they’re hot let alone when they are grinding away. Krigger had a 1-4-0-1 record from 11 rides for a 73% top 4 finish rate and he holds steady at #8.

#9 Manuel Americano (Last week #6)
The apprentice Manuel Americano drops a few spots after his best week of the season but he is keeping the pressure on with another solid week including a win. Amerticano was 1-0-4-2 from 10 rides for a 10% win percent and 70% superfecta clip. Americano keeps getting better each week.

#10 Leslie Mawing (Last week unranked)
Leslie Mawing one of the ol’ veterans shows off just how much of a grinder he is. Mawing isn’t posting big percents but he is also riding anything offered to him and finds his way the winner’s circle on a regular basis. Mawing gets back into the top 10 with a solid week last week.

Quarterhorse and QH/Thoroughbred Top 3

#1 Jaime Lopez
Jaime Lopez was our clear top jock in the quarters and mixed race. After losing by literally a whisker in the John Deere Juvenile he came right back in the AQHA Championship with 10-1 Jesstafiably Jess and made sure he wasn’t gonna get beat on the wire with about a 3/4’s length win. Lopez is our top Quarterhorse jcokey in our final QH’s Power Rankings.

#2 Luis Reyes
Luis Reyes rode in the mixed race for the 2nd time this season and had Code Charlie in both races and won both, winning for the 2nd time in the Sunday opener  by a clear margin. Reyes stalked and ran past the early pace for the win and he takes the #2 spot in the QH and mixed competition final Power Rankings.

#3 Jose Guerrero 
Jose Guerrero was on both favorites and just barely got to the line 1st in the John Deere Juvenile with Secretarysbestcard to get the win. Guerrero drops to #3 because he also had the overwhelming fav in the AQHA Championship and ended 5th. Still a great weekend for Guerrero.



By paulb

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