Her is our 4th edition of the weekly Jockey Power Rankings. Again, a reminder that this is all based on the past week or two, not the overall season. Luis Negron holds the top spot for the 2nd week in a row after a huge 4 win Saturday and 5 win weekend. Let’s get to the Rankings!
Our RED HOT Mover of the Week!
#1 Alex Cruz

Alex Cruz won 7 races last week and finished in the top 4 19 of 20 times for a 35% win rate and 95% in the superfecta. He was also 18 of 20 in the top 3 so 90% in the trifecta last week. Cruz won 4 of 7 races on the 1st Friday of the season added 2 more on Saturday and 1 on Sunday. He gained 2 wins on leader Luis Negron and pulled into a tie with Kevin Radke for 2nd with 17 wins each both trail Negron by 7. Cruz was 7-5-6-1 from 20 mounts.
Luis Negron scored 5 wins but gets knocked off the top perch because of the sizzling week Cruz had but also Negron struggled with the underneath finishes this week. He had a very solid 25% win percent but then had 0 2nds and 4 3rds and 4 4ths for a 65% top 4 finish rate. Negron teamed up with owner/trainer Justin Evans has been impressive and that duo will be formative all season long. Negron has won at least 1 race in all 13 days of racing so for this season.
#3 Kevin Radke
The ultimate grinder is Kevin Radke and although one of the older riders in the jockey colony his competitiveness is as fierce as it always has been. Radke found his way to the winners circle 3 times last week but was knocking on the door in with 5 places and 4 shows and a 4th for a 3-5-4-1 record from 21 starts. Radke has had 5 win days in his past including last year and he can catch fire at anytime in the meantime he will always be close.
#4 Carlos Montalvo
Carlos Montalvo is are biggest mover of the week last week, jetting up 6 spots from #10 to #4. This week he won 3 races from 10 tries for the 2nd highest win rate of the week at 30%. Carlos did not move past anyone because he was just 40% in the top with no 2nds or 3rds. No doubt Carlos will take the 3 wins over the a higher top 4 finish and he certainly is gaining momentum and one to watch.
#5 Silvio Amador
Silvio is making a huge impression on trainers talking with a few of them and I ask how do you like Silvio? The direct answers were, “ILOVE him!”, “He is wonderful, will ride him anytime I can get him on my horses” and “He’s terrific! Love him on my horses!” Amador got just 1 win this past weekend from 13 starts but finished with a 1-4-1-3 top 4 record for a 8% win rate but 69% top 4.
#6 Alexis Valdes
Alexis Valdes is making the best of his limited opportunities and only had 8 rides for the weekend. With that he was 1-1-2-2 with his rides. That’s a 13% win clip and 75% in the superfecta. As more chances become available for Valdes and we can’t help but think those chances are coming soon he will be dangerous everytime he’s in the saddle.
#7 Isaias Enriquez
Isaias Enriquez is another whose chances have been limited also with just 8 rides for the week. Enriquez did get a win and was very solid hitting the board at an 88% rate with a 1-2-0-4 record. Enriquez is settling in here at his old stomping grounds and we believe he will be in the mix every week.
#8 Javier Matias
Javier Matias strikes when you least expect it and won both of his races in the final 3 of the week including a front running dominant win in the getaway race at nearly 14-1. Matias doesn’t get a lot of rides and had 7 last week turning 2 of those into wins for a 29% win rate and added 4 4th place finishes for an 86% top 4 finish percent.
#9 Rigo Sarmiento
Rigo Sarmiento has only 17 rides on the season an average of a little over 1 per race day and got his 1st win this past weekend on 6-1 Dodropin. Sarmiento cracks our top 10 for the 1st time this week with his 1st win and had just 3 rides and was 1-0-0-1 for a 33% win and 67% top 4 rate. We believe Sarmiento is an under appreciated solid rider and when he has a live horse he gets everyth
Jose Zunino was our only rider to stay in the top 10 without a win and that’s due to his perfect 2nd week. Zunino had 3 rides last week and finished 2nd in all 3 races for a 100% top 2 finish. Zunino remains one of the most consistent and will always need to be considered when he climbs aboard his rides.